Mobile Responsive
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If you love the game of baseball, then you also love the ball fields the game is played on. Using the most current responsive website programming. is a celebration of the baseball diamond.

Unlike most websites we build, which are for our clients, we built for ourselves. We played the game, coached the game, and watched our family play the game so this website is about the summer home we found ourselves at, the ballpark. If you are going to spend all summer somewhere, it may as well be somewhere you want to be, like the ball park.

The website is fully mobile responsive, which is even more important now that Google is using mobile friendliness as a ranking signal for mobile search. It was important that we built the site to format properly for desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones. Many of our website users use the site to upload pictures of their own favorite baseball parks, most often pictures they have just taken with their phones while they are at the field.

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