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Rodeo Website Management

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Managed Website Services

Managed Website ServicesTM

When your organization simply does not have the time, the resources, or the skill set to manage the care and feeding of your website, turn to the Netnotic Managed Website ServicesTM. You supply the content and we keep your website running and up to date.


Managed Website ServicesTM can save you a ton of money, piles of cash you keep in your bank account, versus paying unnecessary wages to a webmaster to remain on staff and wait. With Managed Website Services, you simply pre-purchase a bucket of time from Netnotic each month and we manage your website, posting content, updating programs, and keeping it running. Each hour of available time is purchased at $60 (plus taxes) which is a savings of 50% off our standard editing/development rates. If you exceed your pre-purchased hours, additional hours are also at a discounted rate of $80 per hour. We can work with your website, no matter where you have it hosted. Just contact us and have a free consultation on what your requirements are and get ready to offload the burden of Website Management to us.

Use of Pre-Purchased Hours

Your Managed Website Service block of time is used in increments of 15 minutes. That is, if you have 2 hours of pre-purchased time and you provide us a task to perform that requires 30 minutes, you still have 1 hour and 30 minutes remaining. We do not automatically whack you for a full hour on every request. Any remaining time at the end of the month is lost.

Managed Website ServicesTM for WordPress

If you have a WordPress site, in addition to all the above services, we will also include, for no additional charge, a once a month review of all plug-ins and themes and update them as updates are made available. Also, the WordPress core system files will be reviewed and updated when available.

On Demand Website Services

If you have a website, hosted by us or by others, and you need some help with maintenance or updates, we can supply our On Demand Website Support Services. This is different than our Managed Website ServicesTM which is a monthly plan.  Our hourly rates are $120 per hour in 1 hour increments.