Our first season trial of the Rodeo Management SystemTM (RMS) has now been completed and we are opening up the service to additional rodeo companies. At only $200 per rodeo, this system is priced to be affordable by small rodeo organizations yet is scaleable to an unlimited number of rodeos, events, and entrants.
On the Public side of the RMS application, the system handles all aspects of providing rodeo information including:
- the rodeo schedule
- entry to the rodeo, including buddy groups
- displaying the rodeo draw
- displaying the rodeo results
- displaying rodeo season standings
- member / entrant database
- stock and stock contractor database
- rodeo and event management
- payment recording
- printing receipts for members / entrants
- generating the rodeo draw including priorities and max entrants per performance
- posting the rodeo draw
- payout calculations
- generating prize money cheques
- plus many management and administrative reports