Rodeo Management – Draw Generation
A central element to the Rodeo Management SystemTM recently released by Netnotic Marketing is the Rodeo Draw Generation feature. An effective rodeo draw process gives the rodeo administration the appropriate level of control, plus a random assignment algorithm to produce a draw that meets the needs of the rodeo administration in terms of balancing the performances while keeping the draw assignments fair.  For each rodeo draw generation, the administrators can set:
  • maximum number of entrants per event
  • assign priorities to entry groups
  • assignment of entry groups to performances across all event preferences for each member
  • optional assignment of stock to entrants within each performance
After the automated draw generation process has been performed, the rodeo administrative still have full manual control to edit and adjust as the draw, assignments to performances, and orders.  Once the admin has determined that all draw information is ready to go, the draw can be made public as will then be visible on the public side of the Rodeo Management SystemTM. See more about the Rodeo Management System at